This is a normal part of marriage. Getting close to somebody emotionally goes hand in hand with giving them the ability to cause far deeper wounds to the heart than any stranger could ever inflict. It often happens with no intent to cause harm, and even no realization that their actions or words would cause pain. Certainly sinful behaviour like adultery, pornography usage etc. causes serious hurt in marriages, but spouses can hurt each other without committing such sins as well.
These hurts are damaging to the relationship, and they must be addressed and healed. Don't count on time to erase everything, that often will make things worse. If not dealt with correctly, some wounds may fester and spread. Even if that doesn't happen and it seems to have been swept under the rug, over time an accumulation of scars take their toll.
Situations like this, even though they may not involve sin, are still closely related to the gospel principles of forgiveness and repentance. God loves us more than we really understand. When we rebel against his will, betray our covenant to follow Christ and instead commit sins, we hurt him. We damage our relationship with our Heavenly Father. The process of repentance is not a legal process, it is an emotional process for repairing that relationship and seeking a reconciliation. The same process applies when we need to repair a marriage relationship, friendship, or any other relationship.
Forgiveness: Human and Divine
The starting point of that process is forgiveness. There are two types of forgiveness, human and divine. Christ said:
Wherefore, I say unto you, that ye ought to forgive one another; for he that forgiveth not his brother his trespasses standeth condemned before the Lord; for there remaineth in him the greater sin. I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men. - D&C 64:9-10Divine forgiveness, the forgiveness a sinner seeks from Christ, comes only on condition of repentance. When it is obtained, the stain of sin is washed away from the transgressor's soul by the power of the atonement.
Human forgiveness however does not cleanse the sins of the offender, and we are obligated to give it freely and unconditionally, even if they never repent.
Forgiving somebody doesn't mean you pretend it never happened. It doesn't mean you extend to them the same level of trust as before. It doesn't mean you stop hurting. It certainly doesn't mean you make excuses for what they did or give approval. While this video is not from an LDS source, but I think it does a good job clarifying what human forgiveness is and is not.
What it means to forgive is that you let go of your anger, bitterness, vindictiveness and hostility. You don't lash out and try to 'make them pay' for what they did. It doesn't let them off the hook, but it does give them an environment that encourages and facilitates their repentance while preventing your soul from becoming poisoned with hate and contention. Whatever your spouse did, not forgiving them for it is a bigger sin because you make yourself an obstacle to their repentance.
Repentance and Reconciliation
To repair the relationship the offender must address what they did and do what is needed. For the sake of this blog, if the relationship being repaired is between a person and God I'll call it repentance, and if it is between a person and their spouse or other person I'll call it reconciliation. The process is the same in either case but with repentance comes divine forgiveness and reconciliation is most easily achieved when human forgiveness has already been given. Only after we have repaired our relationship with God is He justified in cleansing us of our sins.
The onus is on the offender to make this effort, and they do not get to decide at what point the other party should reconcile with them. When reconciliation does happen however, the relationship is restored, even strengthened. Repentance is often described as a painful process, and with good reason. Likewise reconciliation can be painful too. There are times where repentance requires the guidance and counsel of a Bishop, and times where reconciliation requires the help of a professional marriage counselor.
In Part 2 I'll start to go over the steps of this process, and more importantly why those are the steps that need to be taken, and how to proceed with them.
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