Coupon book
This is one that you can put together for pennies, but it may take some time. There are ready made coupon books for couples, I would recommend making your own and using the Five Love Languages as a guide for creating both sexual and other coupons. Some examples are:
Words of affirmation coupons good for things like a love letter or 5 minutes of sincere praise and gratitude.
Acts of Service coupons for specific chores or favors you are willing to do for your spouse that you normally don't do, and know they don't enjoy doing
Physical Touch coupons good for things like a 30 second kiss, a half hour of just cuddling, a shower together, making out in the car, a back rub, a foot massage, specific sexual acts, positions acting out specific fantasies
Quality Time coupons like letting them pick what you do for date night, or what movie you will watch, going for a walk, or reading a book together.
Just be sure that each coupon is for something you intend to joyfully provide, you are committing yourself to do those things. Also, if there is something you would like to try with your spouse and have been hesitant to ask for, you can create a coupon around that as a way to gently invite them to do that with you.
Some Time At The Spa
Most local spas offer gift certificates that can be given as a gift. Some spas do couple's massages where the two of you can lay on massage tables side by side, holding hands as you each get a massage. Saunas can be a nice place to make out too, but if you plan on doing anything like that be sure to check what kind of sauna they have first. Some of them are so tiny there is no room to have fun.
A Short Story
If you ever wanted to try your hand at being a writer, you can write a short erotic story for your spouse staring the two of you. You can start with a realistic situation, like the kids all take off to spend the weekend with their grandparents leaving the two of you alone, of more fantasy based. Be daring and specific in terms of the plot and the language. Fantasizing about being sexual with somebody you are actually allowed to be sexual with is not wrong. If your wife likes romance novels she'll love this, and most every guy loves to see passion in his wife. For extra kick, read it out loud to them when you are in bed together.
Tickets to a concert, play or sports event
Pick something they would love to see and get two tickets. One of those tickets is for you, not a friend of your spouse. Even if it is something they love and you can't stand, go, enjoy being with them and choose to have fun. You may find your horizons broadened.
Guys, don't buy lingerie for your wife. They know that it is really for you, and chances are what you pick out won't work as well for them as what they would pick for themselves. Even a gift card has that 'This present is for
Ladies, YOU go buy some lingerie for yourself. Pick out something that makes you feel sexy and remember that 'the more it teases the more it pleases'. If you look like your are about 3 seconds away from being naked then you are on the right track.
Gift wrap it and give it to you husband to unwrap when the kids aren't around. Enjoy the look on his face when he realizes what it is and have a good laugh, then put it to good use (and not just that one night either).
Another options is to go shopping for it together. It's a great way to spend (the first part) of date night.
A Marriage Strengthening Book
This one can be a bit risky. You don't want to pick a book that makes your spouse feel like they are being criticized or that you are out to 'fix' them. Instead pick books that will help you do fun things together. There are a number of books out there on fun things couples can do for date night, or books/videos teaching you how to give a massage to each other. I would encourage you to not order those books online, but go out to your bookstore where you can look through them for a bit first and make sure they are right for you. With a how-to book on massage you can add in some massage oil and thick bathrobes and make a nice package out of it.
An Intimate Game
There are also a lot of games on the market for couples who want to combine the fun of game night with the fun of intimacy. You do have to be careful however, the artwork on the box or game pieces may not be appropriate, and the game play may wind up making somebody feel on the spot about doing something they are not comfortable with. Check the reviews for comments about that and also be sure the game can be customized to suit your tastes. Another option is to make your own game, or invent sexy rules to a game you already have. Strip Uno?
Yes, this one can be expensive, but I'm not talking about buying some nice jewelry just because it is nice. Find something that will be a symbol or reminder of something that connects the two of you, something meaningful. For men it can be cuff-links, or a tie clip, or a ring
It isn't about what it costs, it is about what it means. I gave my wife a pendant that was made mostly of wood, but it was wood that came from the tree where I asked if she would marry me.
These are just some initial suggestions, feel free to post any additional ideas in the comments below. You might also want to write out a special Christmas Wish List just for your spouse's eyes only.
Whatever you do this Christmas for gifts, be sure to make your spouse feel loved.
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